PC Performer

PC Performer 020.12.2011 for Windows

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May contain a virus
This program has been described as misleading and as malware. Caution is urged when downloading and installing PC Performer.

Mirrors for PC Performer:

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Notes about this download:

  • Download was flagged Tested with 33 programs
  • Trust: 27 / 100 [NOT trusted - High confidence]
  • Download link works [Code: 301]
  • Hosted in the United States
  • A word of caution about Registry Cleaners: The effectiveness of registry cleaners is highly debated and often unnecessary and dangerous. In light of this, please set a system restore point if you insist on using these products; also avoid products that ask for a license fee to continue.
  • Please note: All files are in their original form. LO4D.com does not modify or wrap any file with download managers, custom installers or third party adware.

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